Jumat, 23 Desember 2011



Created by : 
Neziala Elsa Raudhina 


Chapter One

1.      Background
Inside a literature, there are many substances to learn about poets, theatre, art, and the like. We know that it is very hardly to us to learn it. Especially, about the language, as we have known, there is has a difference between universal language and literature language. For example is poetry.
Here, I have poetry “A complaint by the greatest writer William Wordsworth”. In every poem, we will find a unique language and sometimes we can not understand about it. And it is give information to us; poetry is always use style language. So what is style language in A Complaint poet by William Wordsworth?

2.      The Propose
After we have known, if poetry has style language such as, in A Complaint poet by William Wordsworth. I hope that from this paper, we will learn more about the style language in poetry. Besides that, we can know some knowledge about the twentieth century poets.

Chapter Two

1.    The Biography of William Wordsworth 
William Wordsworth (1770-1850), English poet, one of the most accomplished and influential of England's romantic poets, whose theories and style created a new tradition in poetry.
Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770, in Cockermouth, Cumberland, and educated at Saint John's College, University of Cambridge. He developed a keen love of nature as a youth, and during school vacation periods he frequently visited places noted for their scenic beauty. In the summer of 1790 he took a walking tour through France and Switzerland. After receiving his degree in 1791 he returned to France, where he became an enthusiastic convert to the ideals of the French Revolution (1789-1799). His lover Annette Vallon of Orleans bore him a daughter in December 1792, shortly before his return to England. Disheartened by the outbreak of hostilities between France and Great Britain in 1793, Wordsworth nevertheless remained sympathetic to the French cause.
Although Wordsworth had begun to write poetry while still a schoolboy, none of his poems was published until 1793, when An Evening Walk and Descriptive Sketches appeared. These works, although fresh and original in content, reflect the influence of the formal style of 18th-century English poetry. The poems received little notice, and few copies were sold.
Wordsworth's income from his writings amounted to little, but his financial problems were alleviated for a time when in 1795 he received a bequest of £900 from a close friend. Thereupon he and his sister, Dorothy Wordsworth, went to live in Racedown, Dorsetshire. The two had always enjoyed a warmly sympathetic relationship, and Wordsworth relied greatly on Dorothy, his devoted confidante, for encouragement in his literary endeavors. Her mental breakdown in later years was to cause him great sorrow, as did the death of his brother John. William had met the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge, an enthusiastic admirer of his early poetic efforts, and in 1797 he and Dorothy moved to Alfoxden, Somersetshire, near Coleridge's home in Nether Stowey. The move marked the beginning of a close and enduring friendship between the poets. In the ensuing period they collaborated on a book of poems entitled Lyrical Ballads, first published in 1798.
This work is generally taken to mark the beginning of the romantic movement in English poetry. Wordsworth wrote almost all the poems in the volume, including the memorable “Tintern Abbey”; Coleridge contributed the famous “Rime of the Ancient Mariner.” Representing a revolt against the artificial classicism of contemporary English verse, Lyrical Ballads was greeted with hostility by most leading critics of the day.

2.    Poet  of William Wordsworth
A complaint
By William Wordsworth
There is a change--and I am poor;
Your love hath been, nor long ago,
A fountain at my fond heart's door,
Whose only business was to flow;
And flow it did; not taking heed
Of its own bounty, or my need.

What happy moments did I count!
Blest was I then all bliss above!
Now, for that consecrated fount
Of murmuring, sparkling, living love,
What have I? Shall I dare to tell?
A comfortless and hidden well.

A well of love--it may be deep--
I trust it is,--and never dry:
What matter? If the waters sleep
In silence and obscurity.
--Such change, and at the very door
Of my fond heart, hath made me poor.

3.    The translation of A Complaint poet by William Wordsworth
Disini terjadi sebuah perubahan, dan aku miskin
Cintamu telah ada, tidak lama dari waktu itu
Sebuah sumber (mata air) pada pintu hatiku yang sangat aku cinta,
Yang hanya mempunyai tugas untuk mengalir
Dan yang telah mengalirkannya itu tidak mengambil pelajaran
Dari karunianya sendiri, atau apa yang kubutuhkan

Sungguh moment-moment yang membahagiakan yang dapat saya hitung
Keberkahan yang saya dapatkan adalah keberkahan dari yang diatas
Sekarang, karena sumber pengabdian itu(sumber air yang suci)
Tentu membisikan, gemerlap, menghidupkan cinta.
Apa yang saya punya? Haruslah saya menantang untuk bercerita?
Sebuah kesedihan dan tersembunyi dengan baik.

Sebuah cinta yang baik (indah) itu mungkin lenyap
Saya percaya itu, dan tidak pernah lenyap
Kepada? Apa yang terjadi? Jika air itu teridur
Dalam kesunyian dan kekaburan
Seperti perubahan dan pada setiap pintu S
Pada sumber hatiku, yang telah membuatku miskin.

4.      The language style  of  A Complaint poet by William W

“There is a change--and I am poor” this statement has language style oxymoron, because there is strong contradiction between “change to good way” and “poor”. Here we can see that writer has bad feeling expression in the life. Although he, him self aware that life is beauty if he got the happiness. We can imagine, if we are in the change to good time, change to better way, we will happy but unfortunately, writer felt sadness in good time.
“Your love hath been, nor long ago,” this stanza has language style metaphor
because this statement analogize something by something it appear in “your love” statement. “Your” is substitute word for “God” word. So, this stanza describes a man who was just entered or faith to God or religion. Because, after the first word “Your love” is “nor long ago” it means that in shortly time, or latest.

“A fountain at my fond heart’s door”.
“My fond heart” word is metaphor, because it analogizes two contradiction things directly, they are “Fond” and “heart”. As we have known that heart is one of part of our inside body. And of course it is different with fond.

       “Whose only business was to flow;”
It is metaphor because there is contradiction between “a fountain” with “business was to flow”. Business is a word that used for some one activity in their life. But in this poetry, “business” used for heart fountain. So, it is not match with the reality meaning.

       “What happy moments did I count!”       
This statement is metaphor, because “count” showed that the “happy moments” is rarely and may be a man in this poetry was just felt happiness in a separate time in his life. so, this statement is analogize a happy moments can count.

       “Blest was I then all bliss above!”
This stanza is metaphor, it showed in “all bliss above”. This word is a substitute for “God”. The blest is blessing from the God. It can called by God because usually, the blest above just given by God.

       “Of murmuring, sparkling, living love,”  
The language style of this stanza is personification because the dead noun as if life. here, the writer said that “ a fountain……
                   Of murmuring, sparking, living love”
We know that it is impossible a heart fountain is murmuring, sparking, and living love as human in their life. 

“What matter? If the waters sleep”
it is personification because water impossible to sleep. Sleep is verb which is used in human life as rest from the business.

Section Three

            Literature is an interesting subject in learning. Especially we know that literature is always related with fiction, beautifulness, and language. Many kinds of literature subjects, one of them is poetry, which is has language style. And in “a complaint” poet there is many kinds of language style, such as metaphor, personification, and oxymoron.
            This poet is an expression about the feeling someone who was just aware that God has given blest for him. He believed that a consecrated fount can live love and grow his faithful to bless of God. 


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